Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Assignment nr 5.

Assignment nr 5.
Film review
This is a review of 2009 film called Objectified, directed by Cary Hustwit. It is film about humans and design and how design affects our everyday life. How designers behave and see the world has a lot to do with in what culture they come - how they see colours, shapes etc. This film has different designers who are introducing their approaches to design through their culture and unique point on view.
Andrew Blauvelt is first one who appears to comment design in this movie and he starts with interesting way - although we know that design is no something that just happens, still very few of us notion the hard work behind it. “Every objects tells a story, if you know how to read it” is an interesting approach how to look at objects. We are used that films have stories, books, comics etc., but design? It might surprise lot of people. We look at designed object, and we already see what it tries to tell us - good design is when we do not notice it has a huge design, rather we find all functionalities and we can interact with it easily.
Designing and object lives through a great procress before it reaches to market. While developing the product, it has a constant trying, comparing and improving phases. It is not just ready made with simple sketches.
Coming back of the essence of good design, then it is nicely put together in this film when they interviewed Braun Kronberg. He stress that good design has little design as possible, it is innovative, long lived and useful. Design being long lived is quite hard to manage considering e.g. nowadays electronic devices. But I guess design of a stool or table proves that some design can long live and that is something we should consider while designing. That is for sure one of the aspects that makes a good design because with long liveability it also reduces throwing products away.
Design of an object is not all about how the object looks like, but also how useful it is. Sometimes a product might look hideous and really uncomfortable to use, but people buy it anyway because they need it. This is the point that many companies realized and they understood that if they add a better looking design to an object, it would sell even better. Some people would even buy the product not for the usability but only because of the design and it can be said that this is the success of a good designer. This situation usually happens on an emotional level, people really relate to a product and its design and they immediately understand the functionality. This is how it is supposed to be. Unfortunately there are also many product nowadays that are designed so badly that customers simply can`t figure out how to use them.
People also tend to identify themselves or others in an object as it would represent their character. For example the design of cars; every car has special look and the front part, which is sometimes referred to as a “face” of the car. People really like to compare the driver and his car and how they fit together.
It was also referred to in the movie that technology has evolved so quickly in the last decades that we are living in a really bizarre world of mixed and useless designs, meaning that some objects we use are the latest achievements in technology, but some things we use haven`t changed in centuries. For example we have the latest smartphones but still use old and stiff wooden chairs at home that are really uncomfortable and cause backaches. So the design of objects should evolve by making the objects simpler, easier to use and more comfortable.
In the digital age, the physical shape of an object is not that important anymore, it is more about the software and the user interface that counts for the usability of the object. This means how the people will interact with the object and all the possible scenarios one might go through by using it. So it is really important for the designer, particularly in the digital world to think about all the possible things that might happen when using a computer program. The main factors to consider while designing these kinds of interactive systems are that all humans make mistakes and they constantly need feedback from the system.

One of the most important aspects in design nowadays is also sustainability. It is a reality that most of the products that we buy pretty soon end up in the trash, so the designs should be long lasting and ideally recyclable. It is not only important what materials to choose for a product  to make it look good but also what, if anything, can be done later with these materials, after the disposal. However the sustainability of a design has a totally new meaning in the digital world. If a company sells one million bad chairs then these chairs will probably soon end up in the junkyard. If a company sells a million copies of a faulty computer program, then there is no physical waste and the design can be updated by reprogramming the parts that have errors. While this may sound like a revolutionary thing then it is actually quite a normal behaviour. If a kid breaks his legs, then the doctors don`t say, "His leg is broken, get a new son, because this one is useless now". Things and also people can be fixed. So most likely the future will also bring us products and designs that can be “reprogrammed” on the spot without the need to throw anything away or buy something new, creating a new kind of sustainability.